Friday, February 06, 2004

Ride on a Boda Boda
Well... just a little adventure. I rode on a boda boda! Inell told me to walk down the hill to a new spot in order to catch a taxi to the American Embassy. I had to register so Uncle Sam knows I am here. I went down the hill but when I asked a taxi that passed if they go to the embassy they said I had to ride a boda boda. I tried to get them to show me how to walk to where I needed to get the taxis but by then there were three guys all telling me I needed to take a boda boda. So I did. It was fun. I felt like I was in an old movie from the thirties. I had a long scarf on my head and I was riding side saddle on the back of a scooter. (Because I was wearing a skirt.) Sort of like Aubrey Hepburn in A Roman Holiday. Except I don't think that she had to keep fighting to keep from having her skirt blow up around her head. It wasn't really that bad, but I was showing a good deal more leg then is entirely appropriate here. Like I think you could see past my knee. :)


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