Friday, February 27, 2004

from an email back on Jan 15:
We had a time of singing at the house tonight, a few Christians and a guitar. I really enjoyed it, even the old (some times lame) songs. We were singing “Lord you are more precious then silver… more costly then gold.. more beautiful then diamonds, and nothing I desire compares with you.” As I was singing, I had gotten on my knees, the parable about the pearl of great price came to mind. So when the song was over I read it allowed for everyone. Matt. 13:45 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it.” The verse reminded me of Blum’s comment on dedicated Christians who find themselves always turning away from idols to seek Him. This can be taken to destructive extremes. When the focus is on selling everything and not on the pearl then there gets to be a lot of problems. How do you know when you have sold enough, etc.? The beautiful thing is that believers can: have now, enjoy the beauty of, and will receive later, the pearl. So the selling comes along with the receiving, not before. Remember, that giving to Him is a response to His love


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