Monday, January 19, 2004

Went into London today. Nicki and I got some of my papers off my computer that I left at the Delehaye's house so I can work on my application for the next two days while she is at work. So we road trains, buses, underground, and in the car. we were probably traveling for 5 hours today. And that was just so we could get arround London and in and out of the city. The trafic is terrible. We went to Covent Garden, a beatiful old market square with little shops and cafes. they have street musicians and performers and the opera house and lots of broadway show houses are near by. We had coffee and a stuffed baked potatoe while we sat and listened to an opera singer. I only thought of recording her for you onton the tape after she had stoped. We were there for twilight and the sky and shadows were enchanting. I was able to give a bum a cigerette and when he handed the lighter back to me he took my hand and sqeezed it. He reminded me of my uncle john, he was about that age and attractive like him. His face has stuck with me.

On our way to north Londond to get me papers we missed our stop because we were reading the Four Quartets.

We walked down Oxford Street, the shop district of down town and watched a small group of Harri Krishna peaple march down the street dancing, playing cimbles, and singing indian stile music. That was after we got preached at by a christian street speeker with a microphone asking us to try Jesus. I also got handed a pamphlet on being a real Jew. Well, actually he offered it to me but I said no thanks since people had been trying to hand me cupons and magazines all day. Then I saw the back of his shirt which said, Jews for Jesus, so I went back and asked him fot he paper. I justremebered it when I started writing this so I haven't read it yet.

Nicki and I had fun trying on hats at expencive stores. I bought a beautiful scarf off of a street vender that is big enough to be made into a long wrap skirt when I make it to Uganda. It looks rather indian in style and the guy gave it to me for less then he was asking because I didn't have enough cash on me.

I am going to do some reading before I turn in. ... I am looking forward to getting started on my own work now. I have had a nice time of rest and play but I want to get to work in Uganda so that I have some reason to be pushing myself and expanding myself again. I have been reading some, but you know how much better I work when there is a fire under me.


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